Dozzle: George is from Kenya and I’m from Ireland. In March 2020 we moved to France, only two weeks before the first Covid lockdown as it turned out. We had spent the previous five years in Prague. Before that we lived in Australia. Yup, moving targets.
Over to you George:

George: Hujambo readers. You already know I’m the tallest mammal on Earth. Not bragging, but I can also sprint at 50km/hr. I cruise along nicely at 15.

Dozzle can just about keep up with me on her bike. . . depending on which bike. There’s Basil her Brompton. She calls him her Ferrari. Then there’s the old girl, Nellie, an ancient French heavy high-nelly with thick tyres. She’s her 4WD. Dozzle is always looking for another one for the collection. Don’t ask. . . she’s got ‘a thing’ about bikes, and had a ‘thing’ about cars too when she had more moolah.

More about me then. . . My neck is too darn short to reach the ground to have a drink of water. So I have to splay my front legs like airplane wings which makes me look ridiculous. Just as well I only need a drink of water every few days.
It’s easier to reach the beers Dozzle and I have most evenings. I miss Czech beer. French beer is woeful.

Most of my life is spent standing around doing nothing in particular. I only need about 4 hours sleep in 24 hours. For a human, Dozzle doesn’t sleep much, about the same as me. I have power naps during the day, but only for a few minutes. Can’t break the habit of keeping on the lookout for lions. Dozzle’s power naps are longer. I often find her face down on her keyboard, snoring. 

Oh! I almost forgot. My spots are like your fingerprints, unique. Bet you didn’t know that. 

Dozzle and I met in Australia the last time she was between husbands. She always kept a seat for me on a Friday night at her local in Melbourne. With places to go and people to see, I would show up late. So everyone was legless by then. Those who weren’t would act as if I was invisible. Huh!
Dozzle never got there early either and the early arrivals started to keep seats for both of us. One way or another, my seat was always there for waiting for me. Dozzle made sure of that. That’s what I call a friend.
So we’ve hung out ever since.  

She was in her blonde phase in this photo. Woeful too. 
Back to you Dozzle:

DozzleYou’ve said quite enough George!

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